Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Day, 2005
Family, neighbors and dogs - good combo for now. I now officially live in Mississippi, and am adjusting to a new life. Again. Getting kind of old, but its a lot of fun. A new office, new contractor's license, and hopefully, a new business that won't go under for the foreseeable future.
some jackass broke into my 10 year old beater truck for some stupid reason, and stole my cell phone. Don't know why, they give the damn things away, but anyone who reads this and hasn't heard from me in ages, that's why. Like most people, i don't know anyone's number, I just push a button. So email me numbers again, because i am starting from scratch. Also, christmas letters will be coming soon, so addresses are wanted.
Hope everyone has had a good thanksgiving. I have consumed about 90,000 calories today, and will soon start on the maker's and water. Good to be home and mooch off the parents. Got about 25 miles in on the bike this morning, and slept off the wine all afternoon.
So anyway, I am trying to get a PWD puppy for christmas, and anyone who knows of one, email me. Also, anyone who needs a house built/fixed in mississippi email me too. I am having a survivor sale. You buy, I survive. Get the idea?

Anyway, keep the donations and attention on the coast. Although the media has pulled out, and its old news, people here still need a lot of help. 90% of Pascagoula has no home, and most people are living in government trailers in the yard or parking lot. Most necessary are warm clothes. Most people lost everything in their houses, including any winter jackets/clothes, and its starting to drop at night. Check on craig's list for lists of shelters and churches. I will have my office computer set up in a few days, and will have more information.
happy thanksgiving