TrimWorks, LLC: Really good carpentry / a bunch of college guys doing manual labor / my life as I know it.
So, now that I am officially a contractor in the state of Mississippi, I guess i can start posting some of the jobsite pictures we have and not go to jail.
First, let me introduce the crew.
To the left here is Corey. He no longer looks like a pirate, but the name still sticks. Anyone with a spare parrot that can swear like a sailor, let me know.
To the left here is Taylor (the Dink - the small one) and Jeff (Fluffy - you figure it out). Fluff if our entertainment, as he lost his brain/mouth filter as a small child, and will say anything to anyone. His chief job is giving me high blood pressure and smoking cigarettes.
Another shot of Jeff, being a dirtbag. He is reaaaaly good at being a dirtbag.
And little ol' me. That shot was taken right after the finish nail gun put a nail THROUGH my thumb. It came out through my thumbnail, but missed the bone. I don't recommend the experience.
Below is a shot of me on the deck we just finished. This was our latest project here in lovely Gautier, MS. We built it out on the beach, (I can see the gulf of mexico and Horn Island from where I am in the picture) Beautiful scenery, but the sand flies were murder.
Anyway, i guess that is a bit of a preview. I am starting to advertise a bit more heavily, and business is starting to pick up more and more. If by chance, you are someone in need of construction activity at your home, and live in MS, shoot me an email at, and we can chat about it.
- DC
563 Rutledge
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
25 January, 05
So, I might have mentioned this before, but I am working on another blog that can be found by clicking here and is a business that I am getting off the ground. I do some trading/buying of wood products, and am trying to get the site more publicity.
Also - Savi - I need your email address! I saw your comment, and tried to get it from your profile - no luck. Email me when you get a chance: I also might be in Tuscany this september - we will need to catch up at that point.
Mississippi is still much the same - slow pace of life, good food, and in need of repair.
OK, for this coming year, my one big goal is to run the Chicago Marathon. There, I said it in public, so i guess i am committed. I am really looking forward to it, and would love some drunken fans for the finish. let me know.
anyway, this blog dosen't produce revenue, so enough here. go visit Hardwood Trader and buy some stuff.
- DC
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Sorry for the lack of posting folks, but life is getting really busy, and I have also launched a new blog. It can be found by clicking here and is my newest hobby/business/ creation. So buy something. even better, tell your rich uncle the contractor to buy lots of stuff. Lots.
Anyway, still back on the coast of MS, and trying to assess some of the carnage there to help out. Am working on a project in Bagdad (Biloxi's new name) and am blown away be how bad it still is. If anyone meets anyone from hands on USA be sure to thank them, buy them a beer, or otherwise show your gratitude. they have really been busting some tail to help folks out down here.
I have a few photos from down on the coast, so see what you think:
Shame About the mustang....
Wind and storm surge in Ocean Springs
this is front beach of ocean springs, looking out toward Biloxi's back bay. This photo was taken in early December.
A former historic home in ocean springs. it floated off the foundation and was carried about 15 feet northeast of where its foundation sits.
I have not had a chance to take any pictures of Biloxi, but i can say this - they still need a lot of help. A lot. it was estimated that 10-11% of the city had flood insurance, and about 98% of it was destroyed. Do the math. It will take an average of $50,000 to fix each house, and the average Homeowner's payout is around 7500.
keep the thoughts and donations coming folks........
- Darwin