Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Mt. Pleasant wackjob

True story. I went to running speed workshop today with my buddy steve. After getting my ass run into the ground from 400 meter intervals, there was a bit of standing around. One of those randoms that seem to hang around to talk at people came up to me, and started talking about bikes. standard. we then started talking about dogs and bikes - he told me that you could "just take your bike and hit the dog with it". hmmm OK - then - I swear he had a straigt face - he told me that he hit a GUY'S CAR with his bike after the guy came too close at a stoplight. He then described the gash that a chainring will leave in an SUV. and he (wackjob) looks like colin quinn, and acts like Tweak. I attract these types somehow. God help me.


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