WOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Finally - the notice is in the paper - I am getting a house Finally!! anyone who sees bob should extend a heartfelt BOOYAHH to him for me. No hard feelings pal, but you should have stuck with it. If anyone wants to know how to quiet a title, read the following
State Of South Carolina County Of Charleston IN THE COURT OF THE COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. 05-CP-10-651 Sherman E. Pyatt, Plaintiff, vs. Gloria P. Mitchell, Deceased and Ethel Simmons, Deceased; and all persons claiming under or through the heirs or devisees of, Gloria P. Mitchell, Deceased and Ethel Simmons, Deceased collectively designated as JOHN DOE, and any such persons who are minors or members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as contemplated by the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Act, 1940, as Amended, collectively designated as RICHARD ROE, and all persons entitled to claim under or through any of them; also, all persons claiming any right, title or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. Defendants. (05-0262) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this Action dated February 14, 2005, which has been filed with the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on the 16th day of February, 2005. A copy of said Complaint is herewith served upon you, and you are to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiffs or their Attorney, Thomas H. Brush, at his office 12 Carriage Lane, Suite A, Charleston, South Carolina 29407, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such services; and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Charleston, South Carolina on the 14th day of February, 2005. BRUSH LAW FIRM, P.A. THOMAS H. BRUSH Attorney for the Plaintiff 12 Carriage Lane, Suite A Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 766-5576 The original Summons and Complaint in the above captioned action was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on the 16th day of February, 2005. LIS PENDENS (Non-Jury) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that action has been commenced and is pending in this Court upon Complaint of the above-named Plaintiff against the above named Defendants, that said Action is brought under the provisions of Section 15-53-10, et. seq., (known as the Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act), and Section 16-67-10, et seq. of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina, for the Quieting of a Title by ''Occupation under a written instrument, etc.'' for the purpose of obtaining a decree establishing that the Plaintiff is the owner of the said property described in paragraph two (2) of the Plaintiff's Complaint, and that none of the Defendants both known and unknown, or any persons claiming by, through or under them, or any of them have any right, title, interest, claim or estate in or lien upon the said property. That said property affected by said Complaint in this Action hereby commenced was, at the time of the commencement of this Action, and at the time of the filing of this Notice is described as follows: All that lot fence of parcel of land, with the building and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being on the eastside of Johnson Court or Street in the City and County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and presently known as 22 Johnson Court. Measuring and containing thirty-three (33') feet in the front and back lines, and eighty (80') feet in depth by the same, a little more or less; Sighting and bounding to the North on Court, now or formerly of Middleton, east on Lands now or formerly of Vanderhorst, south on Lands now or formerly Emma Rivers, and west on Johnson Court or Street. Being the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed of distribution of the Estate of Loretta Pyatt Nimmons dated June 10, 1999 and recorded in Book Z328, at Page 794 in the RMC Office for Charleston County. TMS #: 460-07-02-068 BRUSH LAW FIRM, PA Thomas H. Brush Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina 14th day of February, 2005 GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that D. Nathan Davis, Esquire, 1124 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard, Suite 8, Charleston South Carolina 29407, by Order of this Court of Common Pleas dated February 16th, 2005, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, State of South Carolina has been appointed Guardian ad Litem Nisi for such Defendants herein as may be unknown infants, persons insane or otherwise incompetent or under legal disability claiming any right, title, estate, claim, interest in, or lien upon the property described in the Complaint herein; such appointment to be come absolute unless they are someone in their behalf, shall procure an Order appointing a Guardian ad Litem for such persons within thirty (30) days after the past publication of the Summons herein. BRUSH LAW FIRM, P.A. THOMAS H. BRUSH Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina 14th day of February, 2005.
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