Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ahhh, the blog - its been neglected, and i am not sorry.
I have been working on time management, now that I am busy as a two peckered goat in springtime. this guy has written a few books on the subject, and having just finished one, I must say that he is pretty damn good at it. A little off, a little coarse and rude, but definetly gets things done. My kinda guy.

House update: more mortgage woes, I can get it, but damn this is a pain in the ass. anyone applying for this horrific process should have your $h*t in order - these guys ask a million questions, and none of them are fun. Also, dumbass realtor emailed me back:

Hi Darwin:
I was out of town today...I will try and get an update for you as soon as Susan speaks with the attorney. We have hit a snag with the survey since one surveyor said he would have to survey the whole block since he could find not recent survey to work from. We are checking with another surveyor (who did the one down the street) hopefully he has a better handle on the situation. I will get back with you soon.
Regards, Judy

Judy Arrington
Prudential Carolina Real Estate
1315 Ashley River Rd.
Charleston, Sc 29407
(843) 571-7400 office
(843) 224-7741 cell

I am sure she is heartbroken over this ordeal.
annoying, but not devastating. I hate when people don't have their stuff in order. I think we should bring about public fish-slappings. anyone who is making my life difficult by being themself will be handcuffed to a lightpole and beat over the head with a dead fish by a drunk homeless man. the video will then be sent to CNN with an explanation. hmmmmmmm, i think i am on to something here

funny link of the day is here wow. this guy is a serious asshole, and tells the funniest stories. Check out "sushi pants". well worth it.
I am finishing up at a house here in I'on. will take some pics of my work for the blog tomorrow - not to brag, but i have built some pretty cool stuff here. Looking into more properties - I found a great one today for 67K - lots of work needed, but it will be a sweet ass house. the neighborhood sucks right now, but
other cool links :
how to fix up a city
reposessed cool stuff
castle for sale in Colorado

if you can't be good, be good at it.
- DC


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