Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday, 22 March
I now am the proud supervisor of approximately 9 of the worst employees in the world. I am running jobsites for a friend of mine, and basically am a high-paid (hahaha) babysitter. Our painter, a former crack dealer who informed me that yes, crack does contain AJAX, I caught not working, not even on the JOB 3 times today, and he still has the audacity to tell me I am wrong. I have become a cat-herder

Its odd, and slightly unnerving to have men twice your age come to you for money, guidance, and god knows what else. We got 7 phone calls in 30 minutes from our roofing assistant who needed his 32 dollars for this afternoon's work. WOW.

then there is Tomas. Tomas is from Vera Cruz, where the spaniards first came to the new world and wrecked the incan empire. Tomas looks like a frog, and is high for about 27 out of every 24 hours. I came to the job at 745 to be greeted with a marley-esque cloud, and a request for some water. good morning to you too. I just have to keep telling myself that my boss makes 500 bucks a day doing this crap, and soon I will too, if i can put up with this garbage for that long.

On a cooler note, we are renovating a house built in 1872, and have it completely stripped out - no siding, most of the floors gone, and the bare-bones roof. I am taking the camera to work tomorrow, and rest assured, pictures will follow. have not been to the gym in two days - so tired and mentally drained when I get home that I just can't do it. Hopefully this crap will let up and I can get back to my routine. bad weather kept me away from track club too. I think I will have my nerves back a little better this weekend when i can get out and exercise.
No links today, I am too damn tired to google.
- DC


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