How to party like lil' jon, and other sweet words. Scripalate not included
563 Rutledge
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Sweet old house stuff - the place was built in 1872. Note the use of notches, tongue and groove beam joints, and PEGS! PEGS! the nails we have taken out are the old kind that are cut from solid plates, and are square. pretty cool.
Had to back out on my little house - as of last sunday, (some refer to it as "easter") when the sky fell on Charleston, i went and looked at the place, and the back yard was a 2 foot lake. Literally. It came over the tops of my knee boots. NO. I will find another place. Frustrating, but overcomable. (is that a word?)
too damn tired for any links, besides a few of my own.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
picture below are of 13 rose lane, Chas SC. Renovation that I am kind of in charge of. So far, we have only been visited once by the architectural nazi party of charleston . So far so good. the floors are unlevel, the roof is being replaced, and we have taken the house down to the studs as you can see here. I am going to try and post some close-up shots of the house, as there are some really cool old features in the place.
the construction dates from 1872, and was part of the old walled city here. the beams are set with notches and pegs, and most of the nails are the square kind (cut nails). Pretty cool stuff. The back of the house is the oldest, and in the worst shape - going to be interesting rebuilding that part.
tomorrow we will use 12-ton jacks to get the walls and floor level, and hope the damn thing dosen't collapse. One of the sills (huge horizontal beams that support each floor) snapped under me when I was decking the new porch - scared the hell out of me, but our bracing caught the porch after a 1/2 inch drop or so. No big deal, but it definetely got my heart rate up.
four mile run this afternoon with the club - playin dodge-the-tourist on king street. Its a fun game really - see how close you can get to fat midwesterners in your town before faking to the side. I am gonna give one of them a heart attack soon, but it soooo much fun. Count the audible gasps. Off to meritage for tapas with college girls.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Tuesday, 22 March
I now am the proud supervisor of approximately 9 of the worst employees in the world. I am running jobsites for a friend of mine, and basically am a high-paid (hahaha) babysitter. Our painter, a former crack dealer who informed me that yes, crack does contain AJAX, I caught not working, not even on the JOB 3 times today, and he still has the audacity to tell me I am wrong. I have become a cat-herder
Its odd, and slightly unnerving to have men twice your age come to you for money, guidance, and god knows what else. We got 7 phone calls in 30 minutes from our roofing assistant who needed his 32 dollars for this afternoon's work. WOW.
then there is Tomas. Tomas is from Vera Cruz, where the spaniards first came to the new world and wrecked the incan empire. Tomas looks like a frog, and is high for about 27 out of every 24 hours. I came to the job at 745 to be greeted with a marley-esque cloud, and a request for some water. good morning to you too. I just have to keep telling myself that my boss makes 500 bucks a day doing this crap, and soon I will too, if i can put up with this garbage for that long.
On a cooler note, we are renovating a house built in 1872, and have it completely stripped out - no siding, most of the floors gone, and the bare-bones roof. I am taking the camera to work tomorrow, and rest assured, pictures will follow. have not been to the gym in two days - so tired and mentally drained when I get home that I just can't do it. Hopefully this crap will let up and I can get back to my routine. bad weather kept me away from track club too. I think I will have my nerves back a little better this weekend when i can get out and exercise.
No links today, I am too damn tired to google.
- DC
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Ahhh, the blog - its been neglected, and i am not sorry.
I have been working on time management, now that I am busy as a two peckered goat in springtime. this guy has written a few books on the subject, and having just finished one, I must say that he is pretty damn good at it. A little off, a little coarse and rude, but definetly gets things done. My kinda guy.
House update: more mortgage woes, I can get it, but damn this is a pain in the ass. anyone applying for this horrific process should have your $h*t in order - these guys ask a million questions, and none of them are fun. Also, dumbass realtor emailed me back:
Hi Darwin:
I was out of town today...I will try and get an update for you as soon as Susan speaks with the attorney. We have hit a snag with the survey since one surveyor said he would have to survey the whole block since he could find not recent survey to work from. We are checking with another surveyor (who did the one down the street) hopefully he has a better handle on the situation. I will get back with you soon.
Regards, Judy
Judy Arrington
Prudential Carolina Real Estate
1315 Ashley River Rd.
Charleston, Sc 29407
(843) 571-7400 office
(843) 224-7741 cell
I am sure she is heartbroken over this ordeal.
annoying, but not devastating. I hate when people don't have their stuff in order. I think we should bring about public fish-slappings. anyone who is making my life difficult by being themself will be handcuffed to a lightpole and beat over the head with a dead fish by a drunk homeless man. the video will then be sent to CNN with an explanation. hmmmmmmm, i think i am on to something here
funny link of the day is here wow. this guy is a serious asshole, and tells the funniest stories. Check out "sushi pants". well worth it.
I am finishing up at a house here in I'on. will take some pics of my work for the blog tomorrow - not to brag, but i have built some pretty cool stuff here. Looking into more properties - I found a great one today for 67K - lots of work needed, but it will be a sweet ass house. the neighborhood sucks right now, but
other cool links :
how to fix up a city
reposessed cool stuff
castle for sale in Colorado
if you can't be good, be good at it.
- DC
Monday, March 07, 2005
The verdict is in, and the official "Hottest F*%$ing bartender in the world" works at Poe's Tavern. go check her out, and tit, i mean tip her well.
- DC
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Sunday, 2005.
Happy Birthday Susan, aka Haleigh, aka the Bitch at texas we wish you the best, and I hope your hangover goes away soon. Everyone email her at and wish her happy birthday.
Ahhhh, spring is starting here in beautiful Charleston SC, and I LOVE IT! went for a run on the beach yesterday morning in shorts and running shoes - I even got some SUN!
Business stuff: I am currently studying about Tax Liens and Tax deeds in order to become rich and lazy - its really interesting stuff if you like finance and the idea of buying people's houses out from under them and then selling them for lots of money. As soon as I get a bit in the bank, I am going to be all over this one. If you want, buy this book and tell me what you think.
Still compliling information from Atlanta - i think I want to do some investing down there in houses, and as soon as I get this one done up here, will be moving into the Atlanta market.
Latest business ideas amount to writing a book, (The renegade finance guide for scumbags), and possibly starting a business selling financial advice to college students. (actually their parents, so they will push it on the kids). It seems to me that you can learn almost anything in college except sound personal finance and financial savvy. I learned about the stock market and a little about loans, but nothing that would have prepared me properly for the rreal world. any of you graduates, think back as to how well off you would be if you had saved a little each month starting your junior year, instead of blowing it all on booze, drugs, and chevron food (Rebels should know what that means).
anyway, it may be a pipe dream, but i think its a niche that would benefit a lot of people.
enough business, now the good stuff. New FHM came yesterday, and the hottest latino since i don't know when is in it. Vida, if you are reading this, please understand something: unless elsa benitez comes along, I am volunteering to be your pool boy for 3 full years. I do not need to be paid, and I will not eat much. Just use your pool. A LOT.
Cool link sent to me by waldo is here and is pretty damn cool.
here is a new web design company based here in charleston - anyone who needs a sweet website should give them a shot. I am trying to get the bar where I work to pick them up - we need a website, and I want to be on it. Anyway, check them out, and give them some business, and tell 'em i sent you.
Free charleston vacations can be had - just email me.
- Darwin
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
WOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Finally - the notice is in the paper - I am getting a house Finally!! anyone who sees bob should extend a heartfelt BOOYAHH to him for me. No hard feelings pal, but you should have stuck with it. If anyone wants to know how to quiet a title, read the following
State Of South Carolina County Of Charleston IN THE COURT OF THE COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO. 05-CP-10-651 Sherman E. Pyatt, Plaintiff, vs. Gloria P. Mitchell, Deceased and Ethel Simmons, Deceased; and all persons claiming under or through the heirs or devisees of, Gloria P. Mitchell, Deceased and Ethel Simmons, Deceased collectively designated as JOHN DOE, and any such persons who are minors or members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as contemplated by the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Act, 1940, as Amended, collectively designated as RICHARD ROE, and all persons entitled to claim under or through any of them; also, all persons claiming any right, title or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. Defendants. (05-0262) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this Action dated February 14, 2005, which has been filed with the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on the 16th day of February, 2005. A copy of said Complaint is herewith served upon you, and you are to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiffs or their Attorney, Thomas H. Brush, at his office 12 Carriage Lane, Suite A, Charleston, South Carolina 29407, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such services; and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Charleston, South Carolina on the 14th day of February, 2005. BRUSH LAW FIRM, P.A. THOMAS H. BRUSH Attorney for the Plaintiff 12 Carriage Lane, Suite A Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 766-5576 The original Summons and Complaint in the above captioned action was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on the 16th day of February, 2005. LIS PENDENS (Non-Jury) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that action has been commenced and is pending in this Court upon Complaint of the above-named Plaintiff against the above named Defendants, that said Action is brought under the provisions of Section 15-53-10, et. seq., (known as the Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act), and Section 16-67-10, et seq. of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina, for the Quieting of a Title by ''Occupation under a written instrument, etc.'' for the purpose of obtaining a decree establishing that the Plaintiff is the owner of the said property described in paragraph two (2) of the Plaintiff's Complaint, and that none of the Defendants both known and unknown, or any persons claiming by, through or under them, or any of them have any right, title, interest, claim or estate in or lien upon the said property. That said property affected by said Complaint in this Action hereby commenced was, at the time of the commencement of this Action, and at the time of the filing of this Notice is described as follows: All that lot fence of parcel of land, with the building and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being on the eastside of Johnson Court or Street in the City and County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and presently known as 22 Johnson Court. Measuring and containing thirty-three (33') feet in the front and back lines, and eighty (80') feet in depth by the same, a little more or less; Sighting and bounding to the North on Court, now or formerly of Middleton, east on Lands now or formerly of Vanderhorst, south on Lands now or formerly Emma Rivers, and west on Johnson Court or Street. Being the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed of distribution of the Estate of Loretta Pyatt Nimmons dated June 10, 1999 and recorded in Book Z328, at Page 794 in the RMC Office for Charleston County. TMS #: 460-07-02-068 BRUSH LAW FIRM, PA Thomas H. Brush Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina 14th day of February, 2005 GUARDIAN AD LITEM NISI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that D. Nathan Davis, Esquire, 1124 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard, Suite 8, Charleston South Carolina 29407, by Order of this Court of Common Pleas dated February 16th, 2005, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, State of South Carolina has been appointed Guardian ad Litem Nisi for such Defendants herein as may be unknown infants, persons insane or otherwise incompetent or under legal disability claiming any right, title, estate, claim, interest in, or lien upon the property described in the Complaint herein; such appointment to be come absolute unless they are someone in their behalf, shall procure an Order appointing a Guardian ad Litem for such persons within thirty (30) days after the past publication of the Summons herein. BRUSH LAW FIRM, P.A. THOMAS H. BRUSH Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina 14th day of February, 2005.