Thursday, March 24, 2005

picture below are of 13 rose lane, Chas SC. Renovation that I am kind of in charge of. So far, we have only been visited once by the architectural nazi party of charleston . So far so good. the floors are unlevel, the roof is being replaced, and we have taken the house down to the studs as you can see here. I am going to try and post some close-up shots of the house, as there are some really cool old features in the place.

the construction dates from 1872, and was part of the old walled city here. the beams are set with notches and pegs, and most of the nails are the square kind (cut nails). Pretty cool stuff. The back of the house is the oldest, and in the worst shape - going to be interesting rebuilding that part.

tomorrow we will use 12-ton jacks to get the walls and floor level, and hope the damn thing dosen't collapse. One of the sills (huge horizontal beams that support each floor) snapped under me when I was decking the new porch - scared the hell out of me, but our bracing caught the porch after a 1/2 inch drop or so. No big deal, but it definetely got my heart rate up.

four mile run this afternoon with the club - playin dodge-the-tourist on king street. Its a fun game really - see how close you can get to fat midwesterners in your town before faking to the side. I am gonna give one of them a heart attack soon, but it soooo much fun. Count the audible gasps. Off to meritage for tapas with college girls.


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