Saturday, June 25, 2005

konichiwa bitches,
saturday morning, and i am jjust trying to get the motor runnning for today - some blogging is sure to help. I am getting a sweet new nextel and getting a damn good deal on it. if you want to get in on the walkie talkie badassness, click here I actually get $50 back cash for buying the damn thing. so its like a free first month. awesome.

anyone buying a house, or other big ticket item should check this out for 8 bucks a month, you keep an eye on your credit score. pretty useful.
going to new england on the 9th of july for a badass bike trip. I am doing hill work to prepare, and it sucks. let me repeat that. hills suck. they go up. the downhill part is really fun - there is a big one by my second home (THE 672) here in atlanta that I can hit 42 MPH going down. booyah.
anyone with good used tools to sell should please call me. I am in need of a miter box, table saw, air compressor and a couple of nail guns. thanks.
new email for all who care:
- peace


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