Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It's On like Donkey Kong!!!
yes, ladies and germs, I am going to Spain!! and I cannot wait. I will leave the 4th of August, (about 10 days) and be over there building a short game course somewhere - I am not sure exactly. But I will be there. Will try and get to the blog via some cafe, and let you know what's happening.
Bidding on a foreclosure here, and have a few more lined up. Any budding investors should check out this link or this atlanta site for some good wholeslae property.
Many thanks to robert G allen for helping me piss off my boss royally today. I tried to offer some "intrapreneuring", and got my ass chewed out royally. Man he was pissed. Awesome.
Hmm, what else.
oh, here is a really awesome link to some old mills and the people that keep them around. i visited one in upstate NY and almost stayed for life. It is full of 1800's woodworking equipment and is my version of paradise. powered by water, and fully accurate, with WOOD PULLEYS and LEATHER STRAPS for Belts. incredible. If i had remembered my camera, I would post some pix. butt i didn't, so click your lazy ass on the link and go check them out. give them some money if you can.
Speaking of money. I am really happy with my stock pic of WPC and have gotten my dividend checks for the last quarter ( all faithfully reinvested in my IRA) if you want some good stable stuff that will cut you a kickback, you should check them out. I also recomend your own business too, but you have to figure that out yourself.
very sobering link can be found here this is a fraternity brother of mine, and i heard about this through the grapevine. jesus. be carefful out there - its not funny, and can hit close to home.
- DC


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